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Скворечники и кормушки своими руками

Понедельник, 02 Декабря 2013 г. 00:09 + в цитатник

4027137_107465651_4027137_newproject09_1_ (379x524, 288Kb)Bird-Friendly Nest Boxes and Feeders 12 Easy-To-Build Designs that Attract Birds to Your Yard

В этой книге десять простых и классических дизайнов для построения традиционных скворечников и кормушек. От новичка до эксперта, каждый здесь найдет подходящий для себя проект.

Bird-Friendly Nest Boxes and Feeders offers ten simple and classic designs for building traditional birdhouses and feeders, plus valuable insights on creating the perfect backyard bird environment. More than just a set of plans, it covers how to attract the right kinds of birds and ensure that they will keep coming back.

This book includes complete plans for making basic, practical bird-welcoming structures, accompanied by patterns, illustrations and full color photographs. Each project is perfect for individuals striving to create the most natural bird environment possible. Woodworkers from beginner to expert will find projects appropriate for their skill level.

This book provides pages of valuable information for keeping feathered visitors happy. From understanding the proper dimensions for a birdhouse, to choosing the right seed for attracting desired species, to learning how to keep squirrels away, the tips and tricks found here will help guide bird lovers to create a backyard oasis.

Readers will get valuable instructions on mounting techniques, types of paint to use, and cleaning tips, plus environmental insights and interesting avian trivia. This book stands out from ordinary birdhouse titles with technical detail on subjects like cavity size, proper hole size, and the ideal distance from hole to cavity floor.

Название:Bird-Friendly Nest Boxes and Feeders 12 Easy-To-Build Designs that Attract Birds to Your Yard
Автор:Paul Meisel
Издатель:Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Incorporated
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 101
Размер: 20,8 мб


Рубрики:  скачать бесплатно/ Хобби и ремесла

Процитировано 1 раз


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